Book Review of THE LAWS OF HUMAN NATURE - Ahmad Rizwan


Book Detail Info:-
Book Name
The Laws of Human Nature
Author Name
Robert Greene
Self-help Book
Publish Year
445 Rupees only

Book Review
The Laws of Human Nature, written by Robert Greene, and published in October 2018. It has 588 pages. Greene provides 48 aspects of humanity through the lens of history, philosophy, psychology, and wisdom to explicate that how people behave.
Greene has identified 18 laws of human nature, all of which are catalog into an individual chapter.
Robert Greene’s 18 laws of human nature are listed below:-
  1. Irrationality
  2. Narcissism
  3. Role playing
  4. Compulsive behavior
  5. Covetousness
  6. Shortsightedness
  7. Defensiveness
  8. Self-sabotage
  9. Repression
  10. Envy
  11. Grandiosity
  12. Gender rigidity
  13. Aimlessness
  14. Conformity
  15. Fickleness
  16. Aggression
  17. Generational myopia
  18. Death denial
The book contains social psychological lessons from human history. Robert Greene argues that, as social animals, it is necessary to know our own motivations and those of our associates in order to function more effectively. He tells the tales of cultural heroes to show how their tendencies were used positively or negatively, or both throughout time. 
The Laws of Human Nature are the compilation of forces that make us think, act and react the way we do. These forces contain the particular wiring of our brains, the configuration of our nervous system, the way we process our emotions and moods, and the impact our upbringing and the groups we correlate with have on us.

In this book, Greene seeks to immerse his audience in “all aspects of human behavior”. Robert Greene claims that studying these laws will transform the reader into a “calmer and more strategic observer,” immune to “emotional drama”. Those are superior promises, but even skeptics will become believers after diving into Greene’s well-organized writing. In each one chapter, he describes the benefits of confronting and overcoming a different form of human failure.
Overcoming the “law of irrationality,” for example, leads to the ability to open your mind to what is really happening, as contrasting to what you are feeling.
For historical view, Greene highlights appropriate famous figures: Howard Hughes represents the pitfalls of compulsive behavior, and Anton Chekhov embodies the benefits of overcoming self-sabotage.
He also quotes a number of literary greats along the way, including Friedrich Nietzsche, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Gore Vidal, whose dictum ‘Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little’ is applied, not surprisingly, to the chapter on envy.
All the way through, Greene’s overriding message is to “step back” from the “immediate rush of events” in order to gain better insight into one’s experiences and circumstances. Greene’s considerate examination of self and society will, for the committed reader, deliver a refreshing and revitalizing perspective. 
The Laws of Human Nature teaches us not only how to read people but also understand their underlying motives to get them to do what you want.
Self-opinions are reliant on the individual but Greene says there are three universal things people believe regarding themselves.
1.     The first one being is that they are autonomous and they act on our own free will.
2.     The second is that they are intelligent in their own way. In other words, they may not have a high IQ but they have their own kind of intelligence, familiar about a particular subject or good with their hands.
3.     The third is that everyone believes they are a decent human being. Remember, Hitler did not think he was the evil tyrant we know him as today.
The Laws of Human Nature is one of those great books you have to read several times to acquire a comprehensive understanding of all the laws integrated in it.
If you’re interested in social psychology and understanding how thoughts and emotions control human behavior you’ll find this book fascinating.

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